Wk33 – 8M speedwork then Insanity Day 21

Saturday morning and I’d planned to do an hour of speedwork and I was looking forward to it. 5 minutes warm up; then 10 x 3 mins fast, 2 mins recovery; then 5 mins cool down.

I went to Bellahouston Park for 8am and started running in the park. I did a sort of flat 1.75 mile loop about four times then cooled down with a shorter loop.

My friend Cris described this workout as ‘chunky’ the other day and he wasn’t wrong!! It was hard work at points!

By the time I got to about the 4th of 5th rep I was starting to feel it…. tough work!! But I knew it would be worth It. I wasn’t paying much attention to my speed on my garmin, just running and seeing what would happen. The garmin counts down which is quite good. By the time the last rep came I had a slight pain in my stomach, but nothing I couldn’t run through.

I pushed it for the last rep, then finished with just over 6 minutes of recovery. I did just under 8 miles in an hour which I was very pleased with. And because I was running 3 mins, then 2 mins (faster at different points on the route), I didn’t really notice that I was covering the same ground again and again and even lost count of how many loops I had done.

I saw Stanley the squirrel twice, just around the back of the School of Sport… 😀 cute wee thing.

A good workout anyway, I just hoped I could keep my head together to do Insanity Day 21 after it!

If I’m honest I needed quite a bit of time to recover from the run… I felt a little sick and knew that I really had worked hard. 🙂

Run:8.0M, 1:00:52, Pace: 7:28, 8.0mph, Calories: 796
Ave HR: 164 (86%), Max HR: 190 (100%)

Insanity Day 21: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

After the run was Insanity Day 21, Pure Cardio then Cardio Abs. I look forward to Pure Cardio… it’s so hard that you nearly always fail to complete a full minute of one of the fifteen exercises he gets you to do… but if it’s that hard, you know you’re working to do it.

10 minute warm up, stretching, then an intense 15 minutes of different exercises. (Suicide drills, Wide Football Stance, Pedal Lunges, Hook & Jump rope, Level 2 drills, Frog Jumps, Mountain Climbers, Ski Down, Suicide Jumps to name but a few).

The after Pure Cardio came Cardio Abs…a bit of a warm up, then a set of different abs exercises – not one of them being a crunch or sit up. It’s tough and at a few points your abs are literally screaming at you to stop. Ouch!

Pure Cardio: 40 minutes, Ave HR: 127 (69%) , Max HR: 155 (84%)
Cardio Abs: 20 minutes, Ave HR: 106 (57%) , Max HR: 144 (78%)

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