One new route a week…

Now that I’ve more or less finished my training for any events and I’m off the back of a nice relaxing 2 week holiday… I’m sort of wondering what to do next. I don’t have any events coming up…and with Autumn and Winter coming in… I want to keep up my running but perhaps not base it on any particular event or distance goal (that may change!).

This time last year I decided I would train for 6 weeks and do a half marathon distance, then train for another 6 weeks and do another half marathon, but that idea was kicked out when I did my first long run for the training and it was 12 miles. lol. So I trained instead for a marathon distance which I completed in November.

I still want to do Insanity… 9 more weeks of that left… 3 days a week and I want to maybe swim once a week… (don’t quote me on that as I’ve been known to back out of that one). I’ll maybe try to run about 3 times a week again.

After all the training for the half marathon where I pounded the streets of the route again and again and again…(zzzzzzzzzzzzzz) I’ve come up with a wee idea which might just mix things about for me and perhaps make training a little more fun and adventurous.

Each week, I aim to run a new route once. I’ve become so set in my ways, doing the 4.3 mile Maxwell Park route, the 6 mile loop de loop, the 5.1 mile Queens Park route….that it’s about time I started to adventurise a little I think. The whole route doesn’t need to be new, but maybe about 80% of it needs to be new.

It might be a new route I do with someone else with them showing me the way, or it might be one I make up on my own.

I must admit I am a bit of a creature of habit so trying this might be a bit of a challenge for me…but it will be good to mix things about. I’ll try running in different parts of Glasgow too… and perhaps even venture north of the Clyde on occasion!! :-O  But I really like it when I go out on new routes with people, so I just need to make myself do some investigations instead of sticking to the same routes.

Try it yourself – When you’re out on a run, take a different turn in a park, down a street, up a hill… see where you end up. I know Glasgow pretty well now, and even in the bits I don’t I’ll get to know it by taking that little different turn. 😀

I’m not sure if I’ll manage one new route each week, but I’ll try my best.  And if you fancy taking me out for a run in Glasgow – any pace (not too fast – lol) and distance – get in touch.

Here’s my first new route for this week… 10 miles Southside Glasgow: The start and the end are the same as usual routes I do, but the middle chunk is different.

Here’s my list of new routes, which I’ll update as I do new ones:

Wk36 – 10M Southside Glasgow
Wk37 – 7.3M morning run

5 mile Winter route from Bella
Wk37 – 5M winter series with Gill
Wk38 – 6.5M West End & City Centre

Wk39 – 7.5M Shawlands Tempo
Wk40 – 8.5M Silverburn

Wk41 – 10.5M with Gemma P

Wk42 – 12M instead of 9M. Oops
Wk44 – 8.5M Muirend Cathcart 

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2 Responses to One new route a week…

  1. Pingback: Wk36 – 10M Southside Glasgow | Lorn Pearson's Training…

  2. Pingback: 5 mile Winter route from Bella | Lorn Pearson's Training…

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